
We are not your average company...

This company began from a loss, a husband lost a wife and 3 children lost a mother.  This loss is playing out all to much in families all over the world and it doesn’t look as if it’s going to get any better with our current system.

Why you should consider investing your money into our products and services or companies that follow in similar fashion

We decided after going through the cancer machine, that we would no longer support it in any manner. The problem was, I wanted to change things and I knew the current system was tragically flawed.

The basis for our health care industry is not the well being of the human being, but in how much profit can be made from their suffering.

This in turn drives the high insurance premiums or deductibles we all have to pay at some point.


Things are going to change whether they like it or not....

Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish activist ended one of her speeches with that phrase, “change is coming whether you like it or not”. My spirit leap in excitement at her courage and ability to speak the truth to men and women much older than her.

Infinium is going to start a conversation on how we propose to change things and then others will be free to join us and help the cause or they can continue to support the current failing system.

For starters, we will not and hope others also will cease giving any money, now or in the future to ANY cause that is related to cancer research, UNLESS they are a non-profit biotech drug company.

The public through taxation directly funds the early stages of drug development and then turns it over to a “FOR PROFIT” drug company.

They in turn take the drug to market and reap all the profits.

None of the money goes back in any way to the people, US, who funded it to begin with. There is a great video clip of the new congress woman miss “AOC” of New York interviewing the NIH about this and that’s how I found out about it.

I don’t know about you, but I feel basic human health care should not cost you everything you have just for the chance to live a few more months or years.

And to top it all off, they constantly get out of paying the costs related to the bad drugs they give us when they are sued and found to be negligent profit mongers.

I propose we start a cancer research fund, by the people and for the people. One that ONLY donates to A REAL FULLY TRANSPARENT non profit company. One’s whose CEO and upper level management will not ever make millions of dollars a year, they will be capped at a more than adequate salary.  AND if there are any bonus’s, they are tied to peoples heath and well being and not how much fucking money they make in that year!

I know they will say it won’t work, because they don’t want it to work, but I know it will work because I know I would do what ever job I am qualified for, that they currently do and I would do it for a whole hell of a lot less of a salary.

I know there would be better people doing the work because they could get behind the companies mission and goals of “Cures for Humanity”. When people come together for the common good of all, miraculous things happen at light(God) speed.

I know what matters in life and it’s not money and the things it buys, it is people and the relationships you get to have with them. Money has gotten distorted to the point it doesn’t even make sense any more.

There is more than enough to go around and even enough to reward those that create things and make our lives better on a daily basis.

But do we really need private jets, yachts, islands and multiple homes? I’ve lived in very nice homes on the lake and have had pretty much all I have ever wanted in life and I can tell you, it won’t make you any happier and it won’t ease any of your loses in life.

Those that tell you other wise are delusional or trying to protect their status quo.

So join us in starting real change in our society… I’m not republican, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Mouslin, Christian, etc…and so forth. I carry one title, a “living Human being” who knows true power lies within and when that joins with others true power, well then we can in fact move mountains.

Lets show these politicians, what it means to be a statesman or stateswoman. We can create a better system, one the people will support fully, because they know it is not designed to profit from their misery.


It should be so well made, that you only have to buy it once and be able to use it forever

Our products speak for themselves, we cut no corners in giving you the best.

We look at your money as our money and we don’t like wasting our money, so we would never ask you to waste a penny of yours.

Other companies thrive on the consumer constantly having to re-purchase their products.           We believe you should buy a product ONCE, (if possible and applicable) and be able to use it forever if you choose too.

In my mind, it works like this, instead of you buying a glass bong over and over again to the tune of who knows how much in a lifetime, Why not buy it one time and take all that extra money and do some good with it, like supporting real cancer research that may save your life or a loved one someday.

After we reform the medical industry we can tackle the energy sector and the education system and so forth. In time, we will see that the free system was meant to be just that a free system.  Not one that enslaves us to taxes and credit and just a few profit from it.

It was meant so that we could all exchange goods and services for like goods and services. Not shitty made products designed to basically steal our money from us while only giving us limited use in return. I can’t even begin to add up all the wasted money spent on inferior products that didn’t even last a year in many cases less than 6 months.